Blog of the Week: Boys and Girls

I have been tread different because of I am a girl.

Inequality between men and woman is a big problem. In Old China even most of country of the world in the past, people always think man is better than woman. When I was young I try to join in a risk group for teenage, but they don’t agree me to join in because I am a girl, but during that age boy and girl are same strong even sometimes I am taller and stronger than other boys, but they still disagree only because I am a girl, that the saddest time during all my childhood, not only sad, but also pretty angry, why they can inequality between men and women? the world need to change.

Weekly Blog: Dinner with…?

Name one famous (real) person, past or present, who you would choose to have dinner with. Why?  What would you like to ask?

If I choose to have dinner with any famous real person in the world. I think I would choose to have dinner with the queen of British, Elizabeth II,  I really want to know how can she live for such a long time and does she every feels lonely because she already saw that much death, What does she do everyday? and so on, That’s sound great: Have dinner with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a  really Queen with traditional royal dinner.

Weekly Blog: What Can You do Without Electricity?

What can we do without electricity.

That’s a important problem. Without electricity means no wifi, no 4G. That means no more electronic equipment.  What did people usually do without electronic equipment? Before these stuff have been invent or became a normal stuff in our life, I always reading book or go out side to feels the fresh air. The most different part between e-book and paper book is they take different feeling to people. And without electricity, we also can do something else like cleaning house and do something with your family, it can adjust your life very well.

Weekly Blog: Useful Websites

In my opinion, the most useful websites is ZhiHu. it is an question-and-answer website from China. you can learn anything you can think about from that website, not matter it is details of your life, like how to make food more delicious, or how to effective learning. Also the things about science or physical, You can ask a question on that website, maybe someone will answer it, you even can find the answer of a ideas you got. I use it everyday, when I have question, when I feel boring and anytime I want to learn something new. Although it is a pretty good website, but it mostly works with Chinese, only a little bit of Chinese, so maybe use it only a good idea for Chinese speaker.

Weekly Blog Week 10 – Strengths and Weaknesses

I think my strengths is I am a optimist, I always can find the good way of things,so I can have a good mood. I didn’t worry about something too much or sad that much, but my weaknesses is I’m not a guy always careful enough, also, I’m  too lazy. That makes many trouble, for example, I still did not finish all of my technology assigments. that’s why it is  important to get rid of my weaknesses.

Weekly Blog: Fears

my biggest fears.

Everyone must have some thing they fear.For me,the things I most fear is no signal. Without signal mean no WIFI, no network, even can not call up. That’s so terrible.  When I cannot use my phone to chat to my friend or do something with my phone,  I always feel lonely and boring, even fear. This feeling is like I have abandoned by the world. I don’t and don’t want to feel what is death like but no signal is a kind of death for me, It makes me very uncomfortable even fears.


Weekly Blog: Dreams, part 2

I am grade.10 now, after two years I have to go to university, so I have to start prepare now.

The things I am interested in is art. I want to learn some things like design. I want to work for that and learn it.

There are so many brand I like, I always dream to work for them.

I wish my dream can come true some day.

Weekly Blog #3 – “Dreams.”

I had a ‘dream’.

During my childhood, I can’t go outside to play with other kids because they are many cars on the rode with driver who do not obey the traffic rules. Each time when I was looking at the road and cars. I was thinking , if one day there are no more car on the road, how would the world look like? No more cars, the only traffic tools which people have is their legs. Children can play anywhere they want, everyone can get the exercise of the body because they can’t drive ,take bus or subway. No more air pollution and noise.

Weekly Blog Post–My plan for Mid-Autumn festival weekend

Mid-Autumn festival weekend is coming soon, that’s one of most important festival to Chinese, so at the night of Mid-Autumn festival, I will celebrate with my family, we eat moon cake, admire the full moon, talk about what happened recently. During other days of my  Mid-Autumn festival weekend,  I plan to go to Beijing with my friend. There is a bookshop named MuNiao with a lot of delicate comic book, and some interesting art show in 798 art district and I am so exciting about that.

Weekly Blog #1

“If you found 10,000 RMB, but you could not spend it on yourself (you have to give it to someone else or to a charity), what would you do with it?”

IF I found 10,000RMB and I couldn’t spend on myself, I would do it with someone who need it more than I do. I can got what I want from my parents, but there are so many child in this world even do not have enough food, don’t have family and anything like that. I want to use my 10,000 RMB to help this kind of child. Although that’s not so much money, but it must be very helpful to them. Maybe hundreds of people will have enough food for all years. Maybe 10,000 RMB for us only enough to have fun for a very short time, but for them who even do not have enough food, that’s will be very helpful, even save them life.