Weekly Blog: Pick a Major

What I am trying to do about term 4,  I want to do a animation film about the OP of the animation I want.

and here is some example about what I wanna do about my animation film.





Weekly Blog: Three Goals

If I can made three goals I have set for myself, from now until the end of this school year. I want to set this three goals: First , I want to finish my IELTS by the end of this summer holiday, at least this year because I have to prepare the SAT for next year, so it is really important for me to prepare and finish this test this year, Second I wanna decided which university I wanna go and which major I gonna choose for my university, and there is really lots of things to prepare. When we are grade 11, we don’t really have enough time to think about what I am going to do next but start doing it. And the last one is go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, that’s important for us to do because what everythings you wanna do or how great target you have you really need a healthy body first.

Weekly Blog: News

There are many news stories that are in our faces these days. Tell me, as a teenager – what do you think is currently the most important news story to teens in China? Why is it important?

I think the most important news story to teens in China, it is not for everybody, but for me is yesterday their was a father take his two children which are 5 and 3 years old to a market called Joy City for shopping or something. So when his right hand was holding his son and left side was holding his daughter, and he was on the four floor of a shopping mall, stand by a barrier of 1.3 meters high, He missed and dropped his son from outside the fence fell, and when he tried to catch his son, his missed again and his daughter slipped out of his hand also fell down. And his lose his two children at the same time,and his children dead completely. It really sounds funny but it is really happened ,and it just happened yesterday   . and it happened in Tianjin, maybe when we was enjoy our perfect Sunday, two children just lose their life forever because his parents mistake and that’s really shock me,  We can avoid making such mistakes, but we didn’t. If their parents didn’t hold his children at the same time and stand by barrier it wouldn’t happened. And that’s why I think it is important.

Weekly Blog: The Boss

Imagine that you become the Headmaster (or Headmistress) of TIS for a week. What changes would you make? What things would you do for the students, and for the teachers?

If I become the headmistress of TIS for the week the first things I would do is no more uniform in the school or change our uniform looks better than now, That’s the most important things I want to do for the students, and I would like to give a better cafeteria for teachers and students,  the most important point is make the water in cafeteria cheaper than now. And I really want to more free time during lunch time or let students and teachers come to school later than now and that all I want if I became the headmistress for a week, but I am sure about all of those are impossible and that’s just a dream.

Weekly Blog:Entry of the Week


the first time i felt like internet is unsafely anymore to me is ones my WeChat passwords been steal. And I was like so nervous about that during that time:  there are so many information about me like my family address, my ID number, what did I talk to my friend during those days, where I am going next. If the guy who steal my passwords and use that to do something bad my life maybe already broke up. Thanks god I didn’t lost anything because of that. If I had to go back to that moment, I would, I would like to change a complex passwords for my WeChat. And I would not make anything like that happened again.

Weekly Blog: A year in review

2017 is coming very soon, and there are so many things happens in the past of year. Many for most of American the biggest things happen  in 2016 is they got a  new president. Many that’s not that much good new for them and also for Chinese: he didn’t like foreigner that much.  The most awesome things happen in 2016 in my opinion is VR have been volume production. We can created a different world that we ever got before and that’s will change our life in many ways: design, game, working, living and shopping… Google is creating a app that people can shopping at home but really feel  shopping like at home by using VR. It makes me feels like the future with people always dream is coming.

Weekly Blog: Tell us about your app

Two weeks ago, I download an app called Movesum, That’s an app that you can see how many step you have taken, learn what’s your burn, set a goal and something. I used this app during when I travel to Macau, the biggest idea after I used this app is I really can eat less than before: like one day I only walk 5000 steps, But the calorie I ate for like a cup of juice is more than I consume. It remind me and really useful. I really like the part of it show how many food have you consume, that’s the best part of this app in my opinion. But if you want to get more information you have to pay and that’s not a cheap app at all, that’s the things I really want it to improve.

Weekly Blog: Dinner With…? Part 2

if I could choose one FICTIONAL character to have dinner with, that’s the things I always dream with! There are so many fictional character I want to have dinner with, but if there is only one fictional character I can have dinner with, I would choose Shunsheng Li, the main character from animate ‘Darker than Black’ . He is really good at eating and can eat more than usual people, but he always don’t have enough chance to eat, I really want to give him a chance to eat whatever he want. I want to know more things about him, Who are his parent, where is his sister and where did he gone, there are so many unknown thing in that animate and I really want to know more about him and know what’s going on with him.