Weekly Blog: Tell us about your app

Two weeks ago, I download an app called Movesum, That’s an app that you can see how many step you have taken, learn what’s your burn, set a goal and something. I used this app during when I travel to Macau, the biggest idea after I used this app is I really can eat less than before: like one day I only walk 5000 steps, But the calorie I ate for like a cup of juice is more than I consume. It remind me and really useful. I really like the part of it show how many food have you consume, that’s the best part of this app in my opinion. But if you want to get more information you have to pay and that’s not a cheap app at all, that’s the things I really want it to improve.

Weekly Blog: Dinner With…? Part 2

if I could choose one FICTIONAL character to have dinner with, that’s the things I always dream with! There are so many fictional character I want to have dinner with, but if there is only one fictional character I can have dinner with, I would choose Shunsheng Li, the main character from animate ‘Darker than Black’ . He is really good at eating and can eat more than usual people, but he always don’t have enough chance to eat, I really want to give him a chance to eat whatever he want. I want to know more things about him, Who are his parent, where is his sister and where did he gone, there are so many unknown thing in that animate and I really want to know more about him and know what’s going on with him.

Blog of the Week: Boys and Girls

I have been tread different because of I am a girl.

Inequality between men and woman is a big problem. In Old China even most of country of the world in the past, people always think man is better than woman. When I was young I try to join in a risk group for teenage, but they don’t agree me to join in because I am a girl, but during that age boy and girl are same strong even sometimes I am taller and stronger than other boys, but they still disagree only because I am a girl, that the saddest time during all my childhood, not only sad, but also pretty angry, why they can inequality between men and women? the world need to change.

Weekly Blog: Dinner with…?

Name one famous (real) person, past or present, who you would choose to have dinner with. Why?  What would you like to ask?

If I choose to have dinner with any famous real person in the world. I think I would choose to have dinner with the queen of British, Elizabeth II,  I really want to know how can she live for such a long time and does she every feels lonely because she already saw that much death, What does she do everyday? and so on, That’s sound great: Have dinner with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a  really Queen with traditional royal dinner.