Weekly Blog #3 – “Dreams.”

I had a ‘dream’.

During my childhood, I can’t go outside to play with other kids because they are many cars on the rode with driver who do not obey the traffic rules. Each time when I was looking at the road and cars. I was thinking , if one day there are no more car on the road, how would the world look like? No more cars, the only traffic tools which people have is their legs. Children can play anywhere they want, everyone can get the exercise of the body because they can’t drive ,take bus or subway. No more air pollution and noise.

Weekly Blog Post–My plan for Mid-Autumn festival weekend

Mid-Autumn festival weekend is coming soon, that’s one of most important festival to Chinese, so at the night of Mid-Autumn festival, I will celebrate with my family, we eat moon cake, admire the full moon, talk about what happened recently. During other days of my  Mid-Autumn festival weekend,  I plan to go to Beijing with my friend. There is a bookshop named MuNiao with a lot of delicate comic book, and some interesting art show in 798 art district and I am so exciting about that.

Weekly Blog #1

“If you found 10,000 RMB, but you could not spend it on yourself (you have to give it to someone else or to a charity), what would you do with it?”

IF I found 10,000RMB and I couldn’t spend on myself, I would do it with someone who need it more than I do. I can got what I want from my parents, but there are so many child in this world even do not have enough food, don’t have family and anything like that. I want to use my 10,000 RMB to help this kind of child. Although that’s not so much money, but it must be very helpful to them. Maybe hundreds of people will have enough food for all years. Maybe 10,000 RMB for us only enough to have fun for a very short time, but for them who even do not have enough food, that’s will be very helpful, even save them life.

Blog Entry #3: Interview a Friend

  1. What’s your name?

A: Sara

  1. Do you have any hobby?

A: Playing video game

  1. What do you usually do during your free time?

A: Study!

  1. Who is your favorite star?

A: μ’s

  1. Do you have any brother or sister?

A: Yes, I have

  1. How old are you?

A: 15

  1. Are you single?

A: Yes

  1. What’s your favorite movie?

A: Byousoku 5 Centimeter

  1. What is your favorite food?

A: Barbecue

  1. Who is your best friend?

A: You.

Blog Entry #2: “How-to List”

Some plants are easy to grow and some are difficult to grow.

For beginners, Do not grow plants because of the appearance.

Easy to live is more important than appearance.

And how to grow it:

Prepare soil, shovel, water, flower pot and seed.

Put in 2/3 of the soil into the pot,

then put the seeds,

put the remaining soil,

the last watering.

Don’t put too much water in the water

Place the pot in a place where the sun can shine.

Once every three to two days to water

A week or so will germinate.

When you hold on long enough

You’ll get a plant of your own.IMG_8472

Blog Entry #1: Personal Essay

2. What is it like to be a student studying at TEDA International School? Give some specific examples. 

TEDA International School is not a school with many school, teachers have enough time to take care of most of us. And in my opinion, one of most specie things of TEDA International School is there are so many people from different countries, not only students from the same country. We can make friend with totally different people. And TIS also have a lot of activities,about technology, music,art and sports.